Vietnamese Egg Coffee

A raw egg… can you handle it? The Vietnamese Egg Coffee utilizes raw eggs to create a beautiful custard top, it’s a coffee and a dessert in one!

3 tbsp Cafe du Monde coffee ground

boiling water

2 egg yolks

1 tbsp condensed milk

vanilla extract

cocoa powder to dust

  1. In a vietnamese coffee filter, moka pot, or espresso machine, pull a strong shot. I usually do 3-4 tbsps ground coffee with 10 oz boiling water. Brew and set aside.

  2. Meanwhile, beat the egg yolks, condensed milk, and vanilla extract until it doubles in size and becomes light and airy. It should be a foamy consistency, pale yellow in color.

  3. Pour on top of hot coffee in a mug and dust with cocoa powder. Stir and enjoy!

Be sure to follow & tag me on IG at @honeysuckle if you make this delicious cup of Vietnamese Egg Coffee!

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